Patents & Publications

Patents & Publications

Patent Pending

Composition and method for the safe and effective inhibition of pancreatic lipase in mammals - Japanese Application Patent Number: 2012-084645


  1. Salacia reticulata Improves Serum Lipid Profiles and Glycemic Control in Patients with Prediabetes and Mild to Moderate Hyperlipidemia. (PDF Link)
  2. The Beneficial Effects of SesaVita®on Lipid Profiles and Blood Glucose Levels in Subjects with Prediabetes and Mild-To-Moderate Hyperli (PDF Link)

Trade Marks

Name Registration Number
BIOLUTEIN® 5116093
UKONMAX® 5225409
SESAVITA® 5478251
FENUSULIN® 5225408
BIOCISSUS® 5124276
FORCEDYN® 5478250
ZINBERIN® 5478248
BIODOPA® 5478248

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